Providing exceptional senior home care services in Rancho Cucamonga, CA and surrounding areas.

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The Best Ways to Improve a Seniors Quality of Life

Simply living and waiting to go is not the best way to live and certainly not a high-quality life for a senior or a person of any age.
Personal Care at Home Fontana, CA: Quality of Life
Personal Care at Home Fontana, CA: Quality of Life

Simply living and waiting to go is not the best way to live and certainly not a high-quality life for a senior or a person of any age. Seniors may lose the ability to do certain things on their own, and because of this, they have difficulty bathing, dressing, or doing things they need to live well. 


Not all seniors like the idea of relying on their adult children, and many more refuse to go into a nursing home because they want the freedom that comes from living at home. Personal care at home can help seniors immensely improve their lives’ quality easily. They are professionals who can help your senior eat, bathe, and dress every day without judgment or placing shame on your senior. Finding the right personal care at-home professional can help your senior live much longer. 


There are a few other ways you can help your seniors improve their life, and it’s essential to take the time to do so. Not every adult child will have experience taking care of a senior, so chances are you will need to do a lot of research before trying to help. Here is an excellent place to start. 

Treat Depression if Necessary

Personal Care at Home Fontana, CA: Quality of Life
Personal Care at Home Fontana, CA: Quality of Life

Believe it or not, depression affects millions of people, including seniors. You may not even know that your parents are depressed and think that all older people are typically just sadder than young adults. This is not true. If sadness or the blues last for more than a few days and start impacting a senior’s life, this is something that needs a doctor’s attention. 


It may be brought on by difficult life events such as retirement or the death of a spouse. It might also result from a medical condition or prescription adverse effects. Understand the indicators of depression and get treatment from a doctor, psychologist, therapist, or counselor to enhance your parent’s quality of life.

Make Sure a Senior Feels Useful

No matter what age someone is, they want to feel useful. Your three-year-old daughter wants to feel and be useful by helping you out, but so does your 95 years older mother. You have to understand what they can do and ask them for help with those things. You should never just take over a senior’s space or life and assume they can’t do anything. This will not improve their quality of life in any way. The important thing for them is to feel like they are contributing somehow. 

Encourage Them to Stay Physically Active

Even just a walk in the park or gentle activities like yoga will be imperative to improving someone’s quality of life. No matter how modest, regular physical exercise keeps the body and mind healthy and cheerful. Exercise strengthens the immune system, reduces high blood pressure, helps sleep quality, improves heart health, decreases anxiety, increases strength and stamina, and has many other benefits.

Encourage and Help Them Stay Connected

Loneliness is deadly at any age. Someone who feels disconnected may feel as if they have nothing to live for, and it can contribute to depression. It is crucial to ensure that a senior stays connected with friends and family or meets new people. This is the time to take them out to senior groups to meet other people.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Personal Care at Home in Fontana, CA please contact the caring staff at Calvary Senior Care today. (866) 710-8767

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